19 Apr

Real Life Stories Books bring Hope and Encouragement into all of Life s Storms such as Divorce, Job Loss, Depression, Abuse, Loneliness, Death, Violence, Addictions, Fear, Sickness and much more Download your free copy today. How can it be that so many people do not know about the benefits of Salvation and how to gain it? How can so many people have heard of Salvation Testimony yet rejected this most valuable gift? Paul reminds us in the Bible verses from Ephesians 6:11-12 that receiving Salvation is opposed by the enemy who is in the world. As a result, you can expect opposition to helping others learn about, appreciate, and accept Salvation. Despite such opposition, you know that God can do anything. When you put on His holy armor to do His will as Ephesians 6 encourages Christians to do, you can resist all opposition! Surveys show that a tiny percentage of Christians have ever helped lead anyone other than a family member into receiving Salvation. That observation suggests that the ways in which most Christians share or  practice their faith outside their families isn’t what God intended if everyone is to be saved. Obviously, then, you need to change what you are doing in sharing your faith and to teach others to do the same. If Witnessing Made Easy: Yes, You Can Make a Difference you don’t, unsaved people will suffer without hope on Earth and their souls will be lost for all eternity. It’s as simple as that. Naturally, you have a direct responsibility to help nurture the lives and souls of your grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, children, cousins, grandchildren, and other family relations. Keep praying for and encouraging these people to come to the Lord. However, don’t limit your efforts to just those people, even if there is more work to be done with them. Billions of people are mired in unbelief or belief in false gods; they need your help, as well. Some are friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. Some work next to you as colleagues. Some serve you at the grocery store; others take away your trash. Some will be new acquaintances and play tennis with you today.One reason that God placed you where you are is to help those people around you to come to Him.Many lost people live thousands of miles away and are strangers to you. In the past, just a small percentage of Christians were called to be missionaries in faraway places. With today’s inexpensive mass communications, you can easily reach beyond your family,community, work, shopping, and interests to touch lives on all continents by sending your written Christian Testimony Book through the mail and over the Internet. Your written testimony can help save more souls in other nations than a mid-twentieth-century foreign missionary could ever hope to reach. What a great opportunity God has given you! God has truly blessed us with this amazing opportunity to share His goodness by helping lost souls wherever they can be found. As a result, your responsibility to share your faith is much greater than in previous generations. Mass communications also make it easy to teach other Christians to do the same. What’s missing for this great opportunity to be fulfilled? All Christians need to gather more courage and overcome any fears and indecision that stand in the way of helping souls to join with the Lord. In this chapter, we address common fears about witnessing and how to overcome those fears so that you and others you share this book with can know how to become complete, continual witnesses. How many Christians are hobbled by such fears and indecision? Few Christians write their testimonies. Some of that can be due to Put on God’s Spiritual Armor Every Day ignorance, but you can get a sense of the role that fear may play by observing that many people who agree to write their testimonies never do. Opposition from the enemy who is in the world has either paralyzed or neutralized the wills of these believers. After writing a testimony, an even smaller percentage of Christians then continually hand out what they have written. A tinier percentage of Christians who pass out their testimonies also have conversations with lost people about what’s in those testimonies. For each type of witnessing activity,the enemy constructs new doubts and fears to snag, delay, and distract potential witnesses from doing what unsaved people need. Fear is a powerful weapon for the enemy who is in the world to use against Christians to discourage witnessing. Fear can turn an intelligent, caring person into a paralyzed statue so overcome with confusion as to become inactive.  Authorities on fear report that most people while afraid: • cannot think clearly. • don’t appreciate when substantial risks are present. • put off making decisions. • look for someone else to save them. • find it difficult to take action after choosing what to do. • take actions slowly. • are extra courteous and shy while acting, sometimes to the point of ineffectiveness. Those who are slightly afraid become less decisive. When fear leads to indecision, concerns about possible negative consequences make it hard for fearful people to pick a direction and act on it.Let’s look more closely at common fears about witnessing and how to overcome them so that you and others you share these lessons with can become complete, continual witnesses.    

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