20 Apr

Why these 3 specific days:

Passover - Wed April 8, 2020 6 pm central time

Resurrection Sunday - April 12, 2020
6:12 am central time

Pentecost – Monday May 31, 2020
9 am central time

Purpose for sounding and declaring on Passover:

To call on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to call on the God of Elijah, to call on a miracle working God to demonstrate His Great Power by killing or stopping the corona virus worldwide!

Purpose for Sounding and declaring on Resurrection Sunday:

God wants to reset the churches focus, on the main purpose of Christ's Resurrection and what that Resurrection Power is to be used for in our daily lives.

It starts with the church repenting for its disobedience to be His witnesses, to be His Ambassadors, to be His ministers of reconciliation, to equip the saints, to disciple the saints and its failure to use all the empowerments of the Holy Spirit to reach a lost and dying world.
( The power and gifts of the Holy Spirit were given to the chuch to be Christs witnesses. We have abused these gifts by hiding out in a building and entertaining each other with them.)

Purpose for sounding and declaring on Pentecost:

If? ( conditional on the church responding) the church will repent and get on track using the 5 fold ministry gifts to train all the saints to operate and use all the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit to reach lost souls we will see a fresh out pouring of the Holy Spirt and Soul Winning Tracts see a Great Harvest of Souls!

Please cover all this in your prayers.

Whereever you are in the world, please join us tonight at 6P.M. as we Sound the Shofars and Call on God to kill the coronavirus.

Jim and Carla jim@step-by-step.org 
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