08 Mar

In college, I took the path of having fun.
The van flipped end-over-end.
I had to hit rock bottom before I realized…

I grew up in a Christian home, attending church and hearing about God all my life. At seven, I became a Christian. I was active in church until my senior year of high school. When I took a job at local go-cart track, I usually worked late hours on Saturday evening, which caused me to start the habit of missing church the next morning. In college, I took a path of having fun rather than living for God. I had all but forgotten my spiritual commitment.

On October 2, 1982, a group of friends and I were coming home from the Winnie Texas Rice Festival, when a drunk driver struck our van, clipping off our left front wheel. The van flipped end-over-end. Two of us were thrown from the van. The other person was not injured, but my injuries were severe. The most serious were two crushed vertebrae. My parents were out of town at the time, and the doctors advised them to get to the hospital quickly as I was not expected to live through the night. When my parents arrived, the doctors told them if I did live, I would never walk again. My parents did the only thing they could do; they prayed, asking their friends to pray too. My condition began to stabilize.

During my hospital stay, I prayed and sang to God around the clock. I had to hit rock bottom before I realized my need for God. I cried out to the Lord for my healing, and He heard my prayer.

After my stay in the hospital, I was sent to the rehabilitation center to learn how to walk again. If the physical therapist asked me to do a certain exercise fifty times, I would do it one hundred times. “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” Matthew 5:41. I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity God had given me to totally depend on Him. Today, even though I walk with a slight limp, I am grateful for my recovery - both physically and spiritually.

Shepherds have an interesting way of handling wayward sheep. It seems there is always one stubborn sheep that wants to wander off. The shepherd will leave the flock to find and bring the one wayward sheep home. If the sheep continues to wander, the shepherd will actually break the sheep’s leg. The shepherd will then carry the sheep on his shoulder until its leg is healed. During this time, he feeds and cares for the sheep. The sheep becomes one hundred percent dependent on the shepherd.

After that, the sheep never leaves the shepherd’s side again. What appeared at first to be a cruel act was actually very loving. If the shepherd had not disciplined the sheep, its wandering could have destroyed it. God lovingly disciplined me to bring me back to Him. I am thankful to my Savior, Jesus, for my salvation.

In talking to others about my faith, I have discovered there are many Christians who do not read God’s Word daily. I made a personal commitment not to leave my house without reading at least one Bible verse. I schedule my time in the Word every day, so I can be equipped for whatever comes my way that day.

For most of my Christian life, reading God’s Word daily was not a habit. Now, I keep the Bible on my kitchen table as a reminder to read it every morning. I like to challenge people to read the Word by asking them, “Would you leave your house without eating breakfast?” Then I follow with, “Why would you leave without feeding yourself spiritually?” Daily Bible reading will equip you to face the day.

How do you live as a Christian? Read God’s Word every day, and then obey what you read.

In conclusion, first, make Jesus once and for all, the Lord of your life: Pray Psalm 51. Read the Gospel of John and check out needGod.com.

Secondly, grow spiritually: Read God’s Word every day, and obey what you read.

Next, ask God to use you to make a difference in His Kingdom: Help others. Volunteer at church. Be a giver not just a taker.

Lastly, pray God will use you to share Christ with others: Give out Gospel tracts. Bring people to church. Study the Bible with others.

Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books
Jim and Carla Barbarossa
Phone: 219-762-7589
Email: jimbarbarossa7@gmail.com or jim@step-by-step.org
Website: https://www.reallifestoriesbooks.com/

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